I laced your name upon my heart
your words engraved upon my soul
from love new life will bloom
from its essence will spring my scroll.
רקמתי את שמך על ליבי אהובי
דבריך חקוקים על נפשי
מהמוות אהבה עוד תפרח
ומהאפר מזמור נפשי
LoveNotes ©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
Dec 24, 2020 | OC California
I Want To Love You | That Was Then
Photography Asaf FulksThe OC Recording Company
Canon USA 1DX ii | Sigma 50mm 1.4
Not having had a “lasting” experience of romance, I’m too jaded to imagine marking oneself for life over another person, unless it’s one’s offspring. Such relationships go haywire all the time, too, but the feelings never end (I am guessing) for a parent. Your poem is as notable as it is thought-provoking
Beautifully written, my dear. I love the sound and “feel” of this. ~Sharon
Good morning Kira, these short lines are not short on impact. They are incredibly beautiful. If someone had your heart and soul, what more could they possibly have wanted?
beautiful pic .. enchanting love’s poem says i! from the ashes her scroll .. stunning says i .. nothing more victorious than bouncing back from the ashes of brokenness .. and pain .. i like this one a lot .. says so much in just those 4 lines .. well done!
ps. great title as well!
The essence. Nice
Heartfelt very beautiful