Wind Talking

Wind Talking

One dreary gloomy morn in Maythe day was awf’ly lonesomewhen I saw a sight so awesome—wind talking to cherry blossoms. It whispered gently and they swayedpink petals trembled soft as suedeand quivered just as lovers kisson days dreary just as this. * ©Yakira...
13th Sphere

13th Sphere

There are thirteen attributes of God. In Hebrew, the number 13 signifies the infinite and equals love. This release is a soulful, spiritual, contemporary fusion of spoken word, poetry, R&B, orchestral music and heartfelt vocals. 13th Sphere Vocals, Lyrics, Music,...
W.T.F. is a Friend?

W.T.F. is a Friend?

WTF is a Friend? is an artistic fusion of middle eastern, Kurdish music, poetry, spoken word, Kira’s Art, Asaf Productions signature sound. This is the first release off Asaf’s new album OC Mix Buss Vocals, Lyrics, Music Production, Performance, Audio...
Early Morning

Early Morning

Early morning and all seems calm but inside I feel an ache, a raging storm, and there is no escape— my soul has been sullied, beaten n’ bent outta shape. Once upon a time the world was bright and happy it gleamed with light was blissful, golden and so snappy—...