I feel you gently blow my dress
the evening breeze is desert warm
“My love”, you whisper in the wind,
feel me deep inside our home.”
LoveNotes ©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
Aug. 22, 2020 | OC California
Soulit | It is Dark
I feel you gently blow my dress
the evening breeze is desert warm
“My love”, you whisper in the wind,
feel me deep inside our home.”
LoveNotes ©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
Aug. 22, 2020 | OC California
Soulit | It is Dark
mmmmmmmmm lovely .. the wind talks .. no doubt in my mind … she invites him in .. trust a must eh!? i think you poem is simply beautiful.
A sensuous breeze is such a tease where longings feel the gentleness of letting go… in meadows of dreams where buttercups grow among the clover… tenderly tethered, Pat