Beware Beware fair maidens spellbound
Venus square Neptune
brings masked charlatans—
shrewd scheming snake charmers
are pouncing aroun’—
Those mesmerizing
sensuous persuaders
sweet talkers n’ alluring invaders—
pied pipers of pure hearts
hypnotizing words is their secret art.
Beware Beware fair maidens don’t drown
in fancy illusions and soft sizzlin’ sounds—
fend off flirty pouncing passion
n’ protect your hearts from
hollow expressions.
©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
May 15, 2020 | OC, California
#PhotographyAsaf Fulks at The OC Recording Company
Canon USA EOS 5DS 221mM
[ I grew up in Asia, .. I have seen them ]
La méfiance ne doit pas exclue la confiance. Les marchands de faux sentiments se cachent effectivement derrière leur masque..
Superbes lignes @Kira (Yakira) Fulks 💞
How mellifluous, deceitful, glamorous, beguiling the masks (?) or who wears them … so be careful with what you see … I can see here kind of the deep concept of Carnival!!
Superb and charming capture of the prompt!!
Thank you for playing!!
Wonderful rhythm … a warning, almost a spell of sorts. Reminds me of Macbeth.
@Kira (Yakira) Fulks … Intriguing… truly love the narrative… brilliant writing… thank you for sharing… delicious delivery…
… how enticing the lure of snake charmers! Wonderfull rhyme!
This grabbed my attention — not just because I have Venus square Neptune natally, though I’m sure that helped. It is more that this feels like a troubadour song of warning against false lovers, incorporating the astrological archetype like soothsayer ritual indicating ancient knowledge.
Simply stunning expression @Kira (Yakira) Fulks
Masterful 🥰🌹💯😎
Beautiful poem!
brilliantly penned piece of advice bravo ✍
I shall be warned dearest Yakira. You words like sentinels. Protector. Guardians. I shall be warned. 🌪
Well penned, this warning
to defend tender hearts that could be rendered
wasted, defaced, torn apart.
Bravo to you, bard, brave and true,
that your words might help the innocent
ward off the deceitful few.
Stunning expressing @Kira (Yakira) Fulks Stylish writing 🌹😎👍🏾🥰
This truly describes the last several relationships I attempted to have with several women. You describe their character to perfection!
We men will say and do anything to loosen the knickers elastic of our chosen prey :))
The picture looks like a number of my long ago past 3am conquests :))
Since we are deep into a new normal of wearing face masks, your poem was a refreshing surprise becuz it’s NOT about that well-worn topic! I like how your thought-stream feels fiesty & upbeat, rambling & rhyme-ish. Nicely loose & rhthymic
ahahahaha yes .. beware the word masters …we know tricks .. and drink a lot ;)))))))))))))))))))))) love the theme of this Kira .. seriously tho .. tragic the deep pain they can cause 🙁