Check Check Check! My book THE BOY IN THE BOX is now on playing on my YouTube channel. Enjoy and Subscribe.

“The Boy in the Box” is an engaging rhyming tale about a sad little boy trapped in a box, paralyzed by fear of the outside world. His shadowy existence is interrupted by a lively Bee who invites him to play outside, as readers wonder what the boy will do. The story captures the essence of loneliness and the sudden opportunity for friendship from the very first verse.

The illustrations vividly depict the boy’s emotional journey, a rollercoaster between hopelessness and joy. The poem concludes with a powerful message about how the thoughts and choices we make affect our lives. A timeless story which invites readers to reflect, confront their fears, and embrace life.

When at times life seems harsh and a bit scary
and it’s so hard to laugh to sing and be merry
when deep down inside you feel ever so lonely
and you say to yourself: “Oh, I wish, Oh, if only . . .
”What if your wish became suddenly true
and you could step out with your hat and your shoes
would you stay in your box and play the blame game
or kindle your spirit with a bright glowing flame?


Art and Poetry: ©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
Audio Engineering: Asaf Fulks
The OC Recording Company
Copyright 2022 | Yakira Shimoni Fulks Art and Poetry | All Rights Reserved

The printed copy contains both English and Hebrew versions. Available on my website The Boy in the Box

הילד בארגז הוא סיפור מרתק בחרוזים על ילד היושב בתוך קופסה חשוכה של בדידות ופחדים, ומתחבר עם דבורה העליזה שמנסה לעודד ולעורר בו את הרצון לצאת ולהתגבר על פחדיו. הסיפור מזמין את הקוראים להתמודד עם חרדות ולפתח חיים מלאי אתגרים והרפתקאות

אמנות ושירה: יקירה שמעוני פולקס
הנדסת אודיו: אסף פולקס
The OC Recording Company

‘The Boy in the Box’ is a uniquely beautiful story―like a poem that stays in your heart. The illustrations convey, in an uncannily accurate way, the shades of emotions the boy is feeling. But, it’s not just a story about a boy and the bee who loves him, it’s a perfect story for today’s times when we’re all feeling afraid to come out of our box after the pandemic. –―Carole Lieberman, M.D., America’s Psychiatrist | Author, Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My! How to Protect Your Child in a Time of Terror