Sometimes I’m high
sometimes I’m low
sometimes I’m fast
and sometimes I’m slow.

Sometimes I laugh
sometimes I cry
sometimes I’m lazy
but mostly I try.

Sometimes I hate
sometimes I love
most times I’m friendly
but I kick and I shove.

Sometimes I’m happy
sometimes I’m sad
most times I am Good
but sometimes I am Bad.

Sometimes I am Here
sometimes I am There
I do all I can
to give and to care.

Most of the time I’m busy
Queen K-Bee
Thank God I’m alive
not six feet over me.

SecretLove ©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
March 11, 2021 | OC California

Photography Asaf Fulks The OC Recording Company
Canon USA ESO 5DS 190mm

Asaf Fulks – Soulit ft. Yakira Shimoni Fulks Art | Box of Chocolate