My poem WOKE UP THIS MORNING was selected as ‘Poem of the Week’ on Poet’s Dream. The prompt challenge word ENNUI means melancholy, weariness. Thank you to Ferrick Gray for this honor. You brightened up my day🌞

Poem of the Week — Woke Up This Morning Review by Ferrick Gray

The feeling of wanting or needing someone or something. We have all had this feeling and depending upon the circumstances, we know how painful it can be. It can leave us with a lack of fulfillment; in the case of another, a sense of emptiness and questioning ourselves. Commonly, we wonder what we’ve done and spiral in to blame ourself.

This week’s Poem of the Week gives us a slightly different look at this same feeling, but how it can be when we awake. Woke Up This Morning by Kira, is a combination of sorrow, hope and reality. The pondering of all that is and isn’t before we rise, thoughts here and there and sometimes melding to form the incomprehensible. Finally, there is acceptance and we move on.

Please join with me to congratulate Kira for her wonderful poem and contributions to Poet’s Dream. — Ferrick

Poem of the Week⊙Yakira Shimoni Fulks Art and Poetry