Thus many birthdays camesome happy some with sorrowshe saw her life move bystill wishing for new morrows. This morning she woke upto face a brand new daytoday she is Sixty fiveand here is what she says: I traveled through the yearsto see so many changesdespite the...
When she was four years oldher teacher gave a party,the children wore twig wreathstheir song was plain but hardy. They dance around the roomholding hand in hand,the teacher and the motherjoined the happy band. She stood amongst her peersand thanked them shy with...
When she was two years oldwith white dress and a ribbonher hand she gave to holdher legs still soft had jiggled.The father held the childand helped her take a stepthe tyke he swung up highwith vigor and strong pep.Later in the daythey came to be togetherthe children...
Come hold my hand and walk with me by the orange n’ lemon trees hold my hand and never let it go. Come see the beauty of the day the lazy clouds and birds at play and purple flowers on the hills below. Come sing the morning song with me dance aloud and jump up...