In the winter of my life
I longed for spring to start
to thaw the frozen tundra
inside my aching heart—
to weave a bed of flowers
to bring fresh seeds to bloom
to melt away the pain
deep inside my womb.
In the winter of my life
I longed for spring to come
to feel the joy and madness
to push away the glum—
to fill my lonely spirit
with fresh new loving scent
of endless summer days
and every dream I’ve dreamt.
©Yakira Shimoni Fulks
May 12, 2020 | OC, California
In The Middle of My LIfe | Walkin’ on a Wire
Un amour débordant peint de ces mots qui fait éclore le désir abondant.
Magnifiques lignes comme un jour de printemps où la nature reprend vie après une hibernation. 💞
An overflowing love painted with these words which gives birth to abundant desire.
Beautiful lines like a spring day when nature comes back to life after hibernation. 💞
Wonderful and deep verse
Our lives to pass through to winter, but as you say we can still keep positive and enjoy the days
… cherish the poems!
Lovely, lovely verse🙏 You have described my little spring garden which is only a few yards from where I write. Yakira your painting is divine as are your beautifully penned words.🤘
Une étoile brille tellement plus dans un ciel de printemps que celui de l’hiver.. 😍⭐😍
Et votre cœur parfumé embaume vos écrits de douceur.
Merci ma très chère @Kira (Yakira) Fulks ⭐🌺⭐🥰–Philippe
A star shines so much more in a spring sky than in winter .. 😍⭐😍
And your perfumed heart perfumes your sweet writings.
Thank you very dear @Kira (Yakira) Fulks ⭐🌺⭐🥰
Ooooo My Goodness @Philippe dit Fifi you just melted my heart into sugar plum ❤ 🍇 😘 Such a fresh new scent in the air…of spring and endless summer days…sending you love across the plains…😍–Kira
Vous savez fabriquer un élixir avec votre cœur fondu.. ❤🍇❤
Très ingénieux pour voyager entre les astres. 🙄🍇🙄🥰
Passez une belle journée @Kira (Yakira) Fulks 🙏🌞🌺🌞🙏😘
You know how to make an elixir with your melted heart. ❤🍇❤
Very ingenious for traveling between the stars. 🙄🍇🙄🥰
Have a nice day @Kira (Yakira) Fulks 🙏🌞🌺🌞🙏😘
This is stunning Kira!! Superb use of the prompt, i love the descriptions combined with the emotion it works brilliantly, than you for participating 🙂
Loved the first stanza-exquisite!
This is so much more than just a poem! The way it is structured is simply magnificent 👏
Magnificent write👌
Beautiful Miss K!
Superb penned ✍✍
That is so beautiful….your poems absolutely sing.
I Absolutely Love love love this poem and picture!!!
Beautifully spoken words with magnificent art.. Just awesome Queen❤️❤️
Penned nicely
The count is right, the rhyme does fit, the words carry meaning but the tones of the second stanza feel off somehow… just me. For some reason the second stanza just called to me for a six beat end… I guess a rhythm thing. This has it…adding one word at the end of the other would have it too. Personally – both are real and distinctly personal.
Very beautiful piece! Written beautifully!
Nicely conveyed Kira and artwork which I am drawn too. I am very much a spring person, the season of rebirth. In the winter of our lives, it is always more difficult to capture that little bit of spring. However, it is there if you look hard enough.