Bower Museum

Bower Museum

This week we shook the Lolav with Rabbi Zavdi at the Sukka of our Chabad Shul. The beautiful bouquet of a palm branch, myrtle leaves, willows, and a citron, known in Hebrew as an Etrog hold special significance: They grow in different parts of Israel, symbolizing...
Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

Today is the eve of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a deeply personal and spiritual day. It is a time of introspection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. Wishing everyone an easy fast and a fresh start for the new year 💙 G’mar Hatima Tova “May you be...
Shanna Tove U’Metooka

Shanna Tove U’Metooka

Rosh Hashanah, (‘Head of the Year’) the Jewish New Year, is a time of renewal for Jews around the world. We celebrate the holiday with prayer, the sounding of the shofar (ram’s horn), festive meals and gatherings with family and friends. The Kabbalah...


It was another busy week in the neighborhood. In between the regular hustle and bustle of every day, I painted a little, went to the beach for a long walk, hung out at the studio with artists making music, and got ready for the new art show at gallery in...


I recently entered ‘Halloween Poster Contest.’So many creative visions spilled here, a feast for the eye and mind Congratulations to Arzu and everyone who participated  Thank You to the editors for including my poster, it...